Tales from the Borderlands
Telltale Games / Gearbox
Explore the deadly planet of Pandora as Rhys, a company man who aspires to replace the infamous Handsome Jack as the head of the Hyperion corporation, and Fiona, a clever con artist who can talk her way out of almost anything. When a shady deal goes awry, Rhys and Fiona must begrudgingly team up to get their due, running into vicious gangsters, cannibalistic bandits, and terrifying wildlife along the way. How will you choose to guide their actions on this wild ride to Pandoran glory?
“Catch a Ride”
“Escape Plan Bravo”
“The Vault of the Traveler”
Best Writing in a Comedy - National Academy of Video Game Reviewers
Game of the Year, Best Story - Hardcore Gamer
Best Narrative - The Game Awards
Outstanding Achievement in Story - D.I.C.E. Awards